User Criteria does not work for Standard Change Record Producers for Change Models in the Change Model Landing pageDescriptionUser Criteria does not work for Standard Change Record Producers for Change Models in the Change Model Landing page (interceptor) introduced in Quebec.All Service Catalog categories and all Service Catalog Record Producers for Standard Changes are displayed in the Pre-approved tab of the new interceptor.The old interceptor only displayed the categories and RPs that the user has Can Read access to based on User Criteria records.Steps to Reproduce 1. Apply an existing (or new) User Criteria to an existing custom Standard Change Template that restricts access to a single user or group.2. Impersonate the user or a user that belogs to the group in the User Criteria3. Open the old "Change Request New" Inteceptor and click on Standard Changes.The categories and Standard Changes are restricted by the User Criteria that was created.4. Open the new Change Model Landing Page. Click on the "Preapproved" tab.All categories and all Change Changes are visible.WorkaroundAlter Script Include: StandardChangeTemplate sys_id: 266cb918b713130096c3e4f6ee11a91e from: StandardChangeTemplate.findAll = StandardChangeTemplateSNC.findAll; To: StandardChangeTemplate.findAll = function(orderBy, textSearch, encodedQuery) { orderBy = orderBy || ChangeProcess.NAME; var changeRecordProducerGr = new GlideRecordSecure(StandardChangeTemplateSNC.CHANGE_RECORD_PRODUCER); changeRecordProducerGr.addActiveQuery(); changeRecordProducerGr.addQuery("retired", false); if (textSearch !== undefined && textSearch !== "undefined" && textSearch.trim() !== "") changeRecordProducerGr.addQuery("name", "CONTAINS", textSearch).addOrCondition("short_description", "CONTAINS", textSearch); if (encodedQuery !== undefined && encodedQuery !== "undefined" && encodedQuery.trim() !== "") changeRecordProducerGr.addEncodedQuery(encodedQuery); changeRecordProducerGr.orderBy(orderBy); changeRecordProducerGr.query(); //Get a list of readable templates which might have user criteria in place if enabled if ((gs.getProperty("com.snc.change_request.standard_change.use_user_criteria", 'true') === 'true') && (gs.getProperty("", 'true') === 'true')) { var readableRecords = []; while ( { var sysId = changeRecordProducerGr.getUniqueValue(); if (new sn_sc.CatItem(sysId).canView()) readableRecords.push(sysId); } changeRecordProducerGr = new GlideRecord(StandardChangeTemplateSNC.CHANGE_RECORD_PRODUCER); changeRecordProducerGr.addQuery('sys_id', "IN", readableRecords.join()); changeRecordProducerGr.query(); } return changeRecordProducerGr; }; Create new property with value true: com.snc.change_request.standard_change.use_user_criteriaRelated Problem: PRB1531348