Why is there an ACL preventing write permission on Vendor in alm_consummable?There is an OOTB ACL restricting write permission on Vendor field in alm_consummable: https://<YourInstance>.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=%2Fsys_security_acl.do%3Fsys_id%3Df0e81261df130100cd7da5f59bf26313%26sysparm_record_target%3Dsys_security_acl%26sysparm_record_row%3D5%26sysparm_record_rows%3D14%26sysparm_record_list%3DnameCONTAINSvendor%255EORDERBYDESCsys_updated_on Reason for the ACL: Vendor is not populated on the default view. It's available and protected from alm asset because you shouldn't change a vendor on the asset.if you want to map vendors items, it would be to the product model via a catalog item, then vendor catalog item.