Table or Column deletes are not processed as part of scoped application version update on the Target instance.Issue Table or Column deletes are not processed as part of scoped application version update on the Target instance.But it worked fine with addition of fields. Steps to Reproduce: On the source instance, Create and publish a scoped application to the Repository.Install it on the Target instance through Repository.Now on the source instance, create a new version of the scoped app that includes Table or column deletes, push to Repository.Update the new version on the target instance and notice table/column deletes are not processed.CauseWhen you publish the custom application to the repository, ServiceNow packages deletes to the author_elective_update folder.For example, if you changed the schema of your application by deleting a table or a column, those files are tracked in the author_elective_update folder but are not applied by default. ResolutionThere are specific rules that apply to author elective updates that you can change, based on the properties you can set.This folder contains metadata deleted files, including schema changes that you can apply or ignore.Create the system property "com.glide.apps.include_my_schema" and set to True on your target instance.It will process the deleted elements of your application from author_elective_update folder.For more information, refer :