Tenant PreferencesTenant Preferences administrators have access to the tenant preferences. Changes applied here become immediately effective. Changes should only be done by experienced system administrators. There is no "undo" possible". calculate_snapshots.validation.level Sets the default validation level up to which snapshots will be automatically created in case an API call does not specify anything. By default this is "info" (= off, no snapshot will be created). values: info, validOnly, warning, error find.case.keys | nodes | values defines if the find capability at CDI key name | node name | value is case sensitive or not. This is for instance relevant to discover duplicate or conflicting config data items. When set to sensitive, any difference in casing will be treated as being different. values: sensitive, insensitive find.identity_attributes_discovery.word_list This is for loading data from XML files. In case the XML document contains an array of XML elements then all elements with a name as specified will be converted into a node. Otherwise, SWEAGLE will create a "position ID" as node in SWEAGLE. example <users> <user name="benny"> <user name="anastasia"> </users> because "name" is in this list SWEAGLE will create the nodes "benny" and "anastasia", rather than node "user(position1)" with CDI key "name" and key value "benny"; "user(position2) etc values: id,Id,name,Name login.allowed_failed_logon_attempts defines after how many failed logins a user gets disabled in the SWEAGLE system. In that case, an admin user needs to reset the password and change the status for that user back to enabled. values: 3 login.ui.nonperson_type.allow defines if user credentials with user type "system" or "API" are allowed to access the SWEAGLE UI. It is recommended to define system and API users for all integrations and automations access, and block any UI access with such credentials as these are typically not held under same security like real user "person" credentials. values: true, false output.case.keys | nodes | values defines if casing rules should be applied when generating the snapshot data. In case of sensitive, the exact same casing will be applied, in case of insensitive everything will be converted to lower case. values: sensitive, insensitive output.replace_tokens.case defines if casing rules are applied when tokens are used. In case of "sensitive", the casing of the token name will be applied exactly as it is written. '@@myName@@ will require that an CDI myName=Benny exists. with CDI myname=Benny the token replacement will fail. values: sensitive, insensitive output.replace_tokens.enabled defines if the functionality to replace tokens is enabled or not. values: true, false output.replace_tokens.fail_hard defines if the API method to replace tokens in an external file should return a failure when at least one of the tokens cannot be replaced. values: true, false output.replace_tokens.regex the regex to identify a token (placeholder) in the CDI value. The default setting will identify any work between the @@ signs as a token. Tokens will be replaced with corresponding values at the time that the snapshot is retrieved. value: (@@)([^@@]*)(@@) security.password.advanced defines if passwords are checked for minimum length, expiry life time and nbr of password changes before the same password can be used. values: true, false security.password.minimum_length defines the minimum number of characters for a user password to be considered as a valid password. values: integer (default is 8) security.password.maximum_lifetime defines the number of calendar days after which the password expires and a new password must be set values: integer (default is 180) security.password.remember_previous defines the number of password changes required before the same password can be reused. values: integer (default is 3) static_tree.auto_apply_changes DEPRECATED as of v3.14 defines if the data model of all other open data changesets is automatically updated whenever a data changeset is approved. In other words, this setting controls if Sweagle "pushes" changes to other open data changesets or not. It is recommended to disable this for large data models and/or tenants which have typically many open data changesets. values: true, false (default is true) static_tree.auto_reload defines if the data model in the user interface is automatically fetched with the latest information every time the user navigates to the data model page. This prevents that the user needs to manually select the "reload data" button in order to get the latest data model. For large data models it is recommended to disable (set value to false). values: true, false (default is false) sweagle_url.mail_service defines the URL of the SWEAGLE application. This URL is used in email notifications send by the SWEAGLE system. For instance when a new user gets added to send a welcome email. values: a valid URL such as https://customer.sweagle.com validation_report.types.metadata_conflict.level defines the error level in case the same config data KEY name appears in the snapshot but with different values values: off, info, warn, error validation_report.types.metadata_duplicate.level defines the error level in case a config data KEY & VALUE combination appears multiple times in the snapshot. values: off, info, warn, error validation_report.types.metadata_invalid.level defines the error level in case a config data item VALUE is not according to the type or regex that has been defined at the attribute level. Note that this is only possible in case the node has been created based upon a node Type. values: off, info, warn, error validation_report.types.metadata_missing.level defines the error level in case the value of a mandatory config data item is empty (missing value). Note that this is only possible in case the node has been created based upon a node Type. values: off, info, warn, error validation_report.types.metadata_overwrite.level defines the error level in case a config data item is overwritten at a higher node in the hierarchy values: off, info, warn, error validation_report.types.unidentified_tokens.level defines the error level in case a config data item VALUE contains a token, but the token name cannot be found anywhere else in the snapshot and therefore it cannot be replaced. values: off, info, warn, error