Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC): When Control Attestation fails two separate issues are created for the controlDescriptionWhen a control fails the attestation, two problems arise. The email notification for the second problem, which has a direct connection to the asset, reads: "1C Kontur-Extern has an assessment failure." The message for the other problem reads: Issue created from Group by Control Owner. Likewise connected, these two problems close when the other problem is marked as resolved. Steps to reproduce: Navigate to Control objectiveCreate a control objective and make sure Issue group rule field is populatedAdd Attestation field valueAdd a control and Add Attestation respondentClick on AttestImpersonate as attestation respondent user Navigate to My attestationsFind the related attestation and Take AssessmentAnswer the questions as NoControl goes to non-compliant and Review stateNow notice an Issue is created under the Control (Issue related list)Open the issue and look at the Parent issue field and notice another issue associated CauseTwo issues are created one is set as Parent of another issue when Issue group rule field on associated Control Objective is populated "Auto group issue based on rule" Business rule runs on created issue and creates a new Issue and adds it as parent to the earlier created issueResolutionIssue group rules are used to group related concerns into a parent issue based on the rules' conditions. This allows to work on all the related issues at once and, once the parent issue is closed, all the child issues will also be closed. This could be used for issues related to IT controls such as 'Patch windows servers on Tuesday'. Example: If there are 10 servers that need to be patched and 10 controls created for them, and for some reason, some of the controls are not compliant, causing issues to be triggered for those servers. Due to the similarities among the 10 difficulties, put them all together and address the parent issue to end the child troubles. Better issue management results from it.Find the same on community post: GRC Issue Group RulesImagine that, for the same control objective, the same parent record is used and mapped to freshly produced issues if new issues are discovered that match the same issue group rule.If Issue group rule on Control objective is empty then the Business rule is not triggered and only one issue is created. Issue group rule is based on the use case and it is not recommended to skip the rule.Additional InformationHow is Control Issue automatically created Manually create GRC issues