Risk score on third party vulnerable entry is always 0 even though it has Open VIs with non-zero risk scoreIssue Risk score on third party entries (sn_vul_third_party_entry) is set as 0 inspite of having open VIT with non-zero risk scoreCauseVulnerability Response Rollup Calculators are used to rollup risks scoresVulnerability Entry Rollup: Rolls up the risk scores for all vulnerable items with the same vulnerability entry, to provide an overall risk score for the vulnerability entryResolutionIf on Vulnerability Entry Rollup Calculator:Assign weights to indicate the influence (percentage) of the following factors in the rolled up risk score > 100% weightage is given to the average risk score of VI associated with Vulnerability then if the average value is less than 1 Third-party will have a 0 risk score Related LinksVulnerability calculator groups automate calculations on multiple vulnerable items. Calculations are performed on risk scores, priorities, and assignment groups using one or more fields from the vulnerable item table. The condition for each calculator is evaluated in order, and the first matching calculator is used. All enabled vulnerability calculators in the Vulnerability Calculator Group run each time a vulnerable item is changed or when the Calculate Business Impact related link in a vulnerable item is used. Business rule which are running to calculate Risk Score. Update SI risk score Vulnerability Calculator Group: Risk ScoreVulnerability Impact The vulnerability rollup calculator is a background script, that performs its calculations based on the weighting assigned to different values. The calculator takes all the risk scores of the vulnerable items in a vulnerable group and bases its calculations on the following fields: Maximum risk scoreAverage risk scoreCount of vulnerable items