How to change/delete the sentence "Popular Items" in sc_category page?SummaryWould like to change the sentence "Popular Items" in sc_category page service portal.InstructionsWe could see the "popular item' is defined on the below class.<h2 class="h4 m-t-none break-word ng-binding" aria-label="Popular Items Category" role="heading" aria-level="2">Popular Items</h2>The Messages [sys_ui_message] table contains the translations for informational messages, confirmation messages, error messages, and other types of system messages.In order to further modify the "popular items" showing in portal to different word, it's possible by making an entry in the UI message table.Open the "sys_ui_message" table.Create a new entry and in the message field use the word that is needed.This will control the changes showing in the 'SC Category Page' widget.