"Add Operation" Blank / Create Function Field / ReportingDescriptionThe configure function field drop downs saying "no data found."Cause404 error in the network log for "functionFieldMetaData.json"ResolutionCheck the instance to confirm that the reporting jar is present and that it contains the json file.Example: [<app node>:/glide/nodes/<instance>/webapps/glide/itil/WEB-INF/lib]$ jar -tf glide-reporting-<version>.jar | grep "functionFieldMetaData.json"GLIDE-INF/plugins/com.glideapp.report/ui.html/scripts/functionfield/static/functionFieldMetaData.jsonIf the file is present on the instance then, there is most likely a custom system properties that is blocking json.Check for system properties that contain the name "glide.ui.strict".For example: | glide.ui.strict_content_types | ico,gif,png,jpg,jpeg,bmp,js,css,htm,html,ogg,mp3,eot,woff,woff2,svg,ttf,swf,cur,map,tif,pngx || glide.ui.strict_customer_uploaded_content_types | ico,gif,png,jpg,jpeg,bmp,ogg,mp3,oft | In this example the "glide.ui.strict_content_types" is the problem as it is blocking json files.By adding json to the property we were able to resolve the issue.