AVI Load Balancer Discovery IssueIssue AVI Load Balancer Controller - Session based pattern failing with Null value An error occurred while executing the AVI Load Balancer rest query operation. The custom operation was unsuccessful in running the script because of the following error: JAVASCRIPT_CODE_FAILURE: Cannot convert null to an object. The custom operation failed to run the script due to the same error: JAVASCRIPT_CODE_FAILURE: Cannot convert null to an object. (OR) In payload missing minimum set of input values for criterion (matching) attributes from identify rule for table [cmdb_ci_avi_controller]. Add these input values in payload item '{"className":"cmdb_ci_avi_controller","values":{"po_number":"","discovery_source":"ServiceNow","name":"AVI Controller","correlation_id":"","ip_address":"xx.xx.xxx.xxx","sys_class_name":"cmdb_ci_avi_controller"},"internal_id":"1a5de0f3e81af0d02c416bacb5f33c9a","sys_object_source_info":{"source_name":"ServiceNow"},"',Too many other errorsCauseDiscovery was failing due to certificate validity error on the target AVI controller.ResolutionValidate the credentials Disabling the property to check for certificate in intranet will fix the issueRelated LinksAVI LOAD BALANCER