Catalog Item on Now/Agent Mobile App showing "Something went wrong and your request could not be submitted. Please contact your system administrator"Issue This is a gathering of all the different possibility of what may cause the error "Something went wrong and your request could not be submitted. Please contact your system administrator" CausePotential Causes: 1. Custom implementation which is not following OOB (out of box) standard. Parameters or script processing may contain errors and cannot process the submission 2. Redirect success or fail is incorrectly hardcoded to work with /sp instead of dynamically using the original URL which can interpret for both /sp and /mespResolutionSolutions for Causes Mentioned above: 1. Find the catalog item and check version to see if it has been modified. Take the Sys ID and compare the Catalog item from OOB to find differences in implementation You may also use output to debug and trace through parameters to see if there are any parameters or conditions which may be failing and causing the page to fail on submission. 2. Check the producer.portal_redirect line. If customer implements producer.portal_redirect = "sp?...." then this will cause an error as SP page will not load on mobile. OOB implementation uses: producer.portal_redirect = "?id=