Duplicate service catalog and CRUD flows trigger when the context has been deletedDescriptionAdditional flows are being triggered after the original flow context has been deleted. This impacts service catalog and CRUD (Run Once) triggers.Steps to Reproduce Service Catalog:Trigger a flow using service catalogDelete the flow contextSet the sc_req.item stage to request_approved (via Scripts - Background)gr = new GlideRecord('sc_req_item');gr.get('8deac5b9530f3010d708ddeeff7b126a');gr.stage = 'request_approved';gr.update();Expected: No new flow should triggerActual: A new flow is triggered due to Casecade Rule on sc_req_item flow_context fieldCRUD trigger:Create a new flow which runs on incident creation or update (Run only Once)Create an incidentSee that a new flow context record is createdDelete the flow context recordUpdate the original incidentExpected: No new flow should triggerActual: A new flow is triggered due to Cascade Rule on sys_flow_plan_context_binding context fieldWorkaroundWe recommend applying the update set in KB0854271. This includes the changes to Cascade Rule on sc_req_item/sys_flow_plan_context_binding context fields from '-- None --' to 'None'. '-- None --' clears the field which allows the flow to be re-triggered for the same record.Related Problem: PRB1530137