Run Start Time pill time in UTC doesn't set timezone properly with Create/Update Record actions on Date Time fieldsDescriptionRun Start Time pill time is in UTC. When this is passed to Create/Update Record actions to set a Data Time field it results in the incorrect time zone on the record.Steps to Reproduce 1) Set user session time to Americas/Los Angeles or US/Pacific2) Create a flow with a trigger set to on Incident Created3) Add an Update Record action4) In the action, set the record to be updated as the trigger record5) Set the "Actual start" field to the trigger output of Run Start Time6) Create a new incident7) Open the Incident List and add the Actual start and Created columnsWorkaroundAdd an inline script on the field which returns the time in local time: return new GlideDateTime(fd_data.trigger.run_start_time).getDisplayValueInternal();Related Problem: PRB1504890