Flow is Stuck Waiting at "Ask For Approval" Activity after Manually Rejecting the Approval Group [sysapproval_group] RecordDescriptionFlow is Stuck Waiting at "Ask For Approval" Activity after Manually Rejecting the Approval Group [sysapproval_group] Record.Steps to Reproduce 1. Create Flow with "Service Catalog" Trigger2. Add an "Ask For Approval" Action3. Set 1 Group as the Approver for this Action4. Use "Test" to run the Flow on a Random Request Item5. Open the Request Item6. Go to the [sysapproval_group] Record for that Request Item7. Move it to "Rejected" and Save8. See the Flow is now stuck WaitingWorkaroundThis problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this article to be notified when more information becomes available. Workaround: As a Temporary Workaround while this issue is being reviewed. Please be sure to use the Individual Approval Records on the [sysapproval_approver] Table to Action your Approvals. The Flow will then be able to Evaluate this correctly and the desired behaviour will be achieved.Related Problem: PRB1528856