NMAP installationSummaryNMAP Installation for credential less discovery ReleaseALLInstructionsNMAP installation on Mid Server Procedure: 1. Navigate to MID Server > Properties (MID Server Property [ecc_agent_property] table) and open the record for the mid.nmap.version property.This property contains the version of Nmap that you must install. Record the version number. 2. Download the correct installer executable from one of these URLs: ◦ https://nmap.org/dist/: If the Nmap version in the property is 7.92, the executable you need is https://nmap.org/dist/nmap-7.92-setup.exe. ◦ https://install.service-now.com/glide/distribution/builds/package/thirdparty/nmap/nmap-setup-xxx-windows.exe. If the Nmap version in the property is 7.92, the executable you need is https://install.service-now.com/glide/distribution/builds/package/thirdparty/nmap/nmap-setup-7.92-windows.exe 3. Create a folder called nmap in the MID Server agent folder of every MID Server you want to use for credential-less Discovery. 4.Copy the Nmap installer file that you downloaded to the nmap folder and rename it to nmapInstaller.exe. 5. Run the agent\scripts \PowerShell\ NmapInstallation.ps1 script and pass it the following parameters in the order which they appear.The script runs the nmapInstaller.exe file 6. Set up the parameters in the NmapInstallation.ps1 script in this order: ./NmapInstallations.ps1 $operation $nmap_root_path $nmap_self_installer $nmap_command $nmap_uninstall_command $nmap_npcap_version $nmap_safe_scripts Example: C:\MidServers\mid1\agent\scripts\PowerShell>.\NmapInstallation.ps1 "install" "C:\MidServers\Mid server Path\agent\nmap" "C:\MidServers\Mid server Path\agent\nmap\nmapInstaller.exe" "C:\MidServers\Mid server Path\agent\nmap\nmap.exe" "C: \MidServers\Mid server Path\agent\nmap\Uninstall.exe" "0.91" "allseeingeye-info.nse,amqp-info.nse,db2-das-info.nse,drda-info.nse,freelancer-info.nse,ike-version.nse,mcafee-epo-agent.nse,mqtt- subscribe.nse,openlookup-info.nse,oracle-tns-version.nse,quake1-info.nse,quake3-info.nse,rfc868-time.nse,rpcinfo.nse,snmp-info.nse,ventrilo-info.nse,weblogic-t3-info.nse,xmpp-info.nse" 7. After installation is complete, add the Nmap capability to each MID Server you want to use for credential-less Discovery. 1. Attention: Only a maint user can add the Nmap capability to a MID Server. Contact Customer Service and Support to request temporary maint access to your instance. ◦ On the instance, open the MID Server record. ◦ Select the Capabilities related list. ◦ Click Edit. ◦ Select Nmap from the list of available capabilities and click Save Note: Antivirus installed on the host machine will cause issue to install the nmap.