Linux Server Discovery - Duplicate CI's are created by DiscoverySummaryPhysical Linux Servers share common Chassis Serial Number between them. The CMDB Serial Number table has Chassis Serial Number and Type similar for multiple CI's.Due to this, discovery is identifying the CI incorrectly and overwriting one CI information with another one. ReleaseApplies to All ReleasesInstructionsTo avoid such issues, add a custom condition to the existing Identification rule. Here is the issue is due to common Chassis Serial Number, so in this skipping the identification for Chassis Serial Number Type has helped. 1. The Linux Server discovery checks for Serial Number and Serial Number Type attributes in the CMDB Serial Number table. 2. CMDB Serial Number table has Chassis, BIOS, UUID and System Serial Number Types data already present. 3. Any of the above data can be used for identification. 4. In order to avoid incorrect identification issues, add a custom condition on Linux Server class to skip the identification on Serial Number Type 'Chassis'. 5. Using the above condition on Serial Number Table, 'Chassis' Serial Number Type is no longer used for the Linux Server class.