Audit history shows same entry for the change of 'roles' field on 2 different dates for a module record as it looks to be the other updates on the 'Roles' field happened between those 2 different created dates is missing from the Audit History.SummaryAudit history shows same entry for the change of 'roles' field on 2 different dates for a module record as it looks to be the other updates on the 'Roles' field happened between those 2 different created dates is missing from the Audit History. For e.g. for a newly created module, when we add any roles to it and check the audit history, the Roles field will have Old value as sys_id and New value will have list of roles added. Screenshot below: For the above highlighted audit record, there will be 2 audit records for 'Roles' field with 2 different created dates having same Old and New values. It looks to be the other updates on the Roles field happened between those 2 different created dates is missing from the Audit History. All the updates will NOT be audited and few updates will be exempted from Auditing. For e.g Updates made by an upgrade (system) will NOT be audited and hence those are not listed under the Audit History. In this scenario, there were updates happened on the field 'Roles' via Upgrade (system) between those 2 specific dates. Hence those details were not audited in the audit history. However, you can check the updates under sys_update_version table for the sys_id of the record. The sys_update_version captures all the system update versions for any changes. In this case, sys_update_version captures the system update versions for any changes done for that module (need to check with sys_id of the module record). Sample screenshot below: Related LinksPlease go through our documentation Auditing and refer the section Information exempted from auditing for more details.