Training NLU model displays error on developer/personal instancesIssue Upon training the "ITSM NLU for Virtual Agent" on dev/personal instance the following error message:java.lang.Exception: SE0229:Training failed due to: Model information (ml_sn_itsm_nlu_itsm_nlu_for_va) has no reference for (ml_x_snc_global_global_3aedf38234bf5010f877396127c8ff9d = personName)ReleaseAllCauseLooking into the localhost logs , the below message is displayed : 2021-09-28 11:39:44 (948) worker.2 worker.2 txid=6735f2762ff2 SEVERE *** ERROR *** ml_scheduler: External Developer instances cannot train ML solutions.. Solution ID: 473536762ff2301069f4cc96f699b66c These indicate that the instance where the customer is trying to train is a DEV instance and these Developer instances CANNOT train ML solutions, as per the log entry above.ResolutionIf the customer wants to train NLU Models, they have to use a customer instance (i.e. PROD or SubPROD) - We do not support ML/NLU training on these Dev instances.