Plugin rollback option is not visible under the related links. Issue Discovery and Service Mapping Patterns RollBack/Uninstall option has been introduced from the version 1.0.70 onwards.Details on how to roll back the plugin has been provided in the article KB0863795, However in some scenario's even if you are on roll back supported version we do not see the roll back option under related links.ReleaseALLCauseResolution Rollback contexts are not kept indefinitely, and therefore the option to rollback a plugin activation is time-limited and has to be performed before any additional applications are installed.If the latest plugin activation is not for the application in question, then the rollback option is not available on its [sys_store_app] page.If you navigate to the application's [sys_store_app] page (where you would find the rollback option) and check the system logs and see "rollbackContextId: false" then his is coming from the call to new AjaxAppManager().isRollbackEligible(current) on the Rollback UI action's condition, and therefore the most recent app_install rollback context is not for this application, and the Rollback option is not displayed."RollBack" option will display until we install next plugin in the instance. If you installed any other plugin after "Discovery and Service Mapping Pattern" plugin, then you need to Rollback those plugins to get Rollback option back on Discovery and Service Mapping Pattern pluginRelated LinksIn theory you would have to rollback the other application installations in the order most recent to oldest, and then if the rollback context for the ITOM application is still available then it could be rolled back.However, that will have its own impact on those other applications if they are being used.