Email Triggers for Flow are still processing even after the Flow is de-activatedDescriptionAfter de-activating an Inbound Email Flow you are seeing that it is still triggering. You can also see from the [sys_flow_email_trigger] Table that the Email Trigger is still Active even though the Flow is disabled.Steps to Reproduce 1. Import an inactive flow where the sys_flow_email_trigger is active2. The flow will not actually run but the logs will say it has and additional processing is happening in EmailTriggerRunner that should not happenWorkaroundThis problem has been fixed. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In or Intended Fix Version fields to determine whether any versions have a planned or permanent fix. Workaround: To resolve the issue before the Fix Version please use the following Workaround: Navigate to the [sys_flow_email_trigger] TableFilter by Target Table and Email record conditions FieldsIdentify the Email Trigger relating to your Inactive FlowSet it to "Active = False"Related Problem: PRB1456077