Question Choices not in order for few users in a catalog item on service portalIssue For few users , the question_choices on a variable are not sorted in order on the portal.But for few users , The question choices are shown in order.ReleaseAllCauseThe most possible root cause could be that there is no translation record available for the question_choice record. Check if there is a relevant language plugin installed based on the affected user preferred_language and if not , verify the preferred_language choice value is been modified as shown below. In the above example. The language of the user is 'en' but the value is changed to 'de'Below is the SQL query that pulls the question_choice if the user language and value is 'en' SELECT ... FROM question_choice question_choice0 WHERE question_choice0.`text` IS NOT NULL AND question_choice0.`question` = '90790678dbea845424d9d8e74b961999' /*...*/ SQL18:24:38.950 Time: 0:00:00.001 for: vestasdev_1[glide.28] [-1123715057] SELECT ... FROM ( question_choice question_choice0 INNER JOIN sys_metadata sys_metadata0 ON question_choice0.`sys_id` = sys_metadata0.`sys_id` ) WHERE question_choice0.`text` IS NOT NULL AND question_choice0.`question` = '90790678dbea845424d9d8e74b961999' ORDER BY question_choice0.`text` limit 0,100 /*...*/ But if the value is been modified to different language (in the above example its 'de') though the Language is 'en' the SQL queries from the sys_translated table for the relevant translation of the questin_choice .Below is the SQL query SELECT ... FROM ( question_choice question_choice0 LEFT JOIN sys_translated sys_translated1 ON question_choice0.`text` = sys_translated1.`value` AND sys_translated1.`name`='question_choice' AND sys_translated1.`language`='de' AND sys_translated1.`element`='text' ) WHERE question_choice0.`question` = '90790678dbea845424d9d8e74b961999' /*...*/ SQL18:26:28.625 Time: 0:00:00.002 for: vestasdev_1[glide.2] [2075977528] SELECT ... FROM (( question_choice question_choice0 INNER JOIN sys_metadata sys_metadata0 ON question_choice0.`sys_id` = sys_metadata0.`sys_id` ) LEFT JOIN sys_translated sys_translated1 ON question_choice0.`text` = sys_translated1.`value` AND sys_translated1.`name`='question_choice' AND sys_translated1.`language`='de' AND sys_translated1.`element`='text' ) WHERE question_choice0.`question` = '90790678dbea845424d9d8e74b961999' ORDER BY sys_translated1.`label` limit 0,100 /*...*/ResolutionThere are two possible solutions that could fix such issues Create a relevant sys_translation record for the question_choice record with respect to the user's preferred_language as shown below. Revert back the preferred_language choice value to 'en' if there are no language translation plugin installed and create a custom field for any language related customisations.