How to remove "Relationship Changes" message in audit historyIssue How to remove relationship change messages in the audit history for individual records without unchecking it from Activity Formatter from task_sla record were created when task_sla is removed from the task record.ResolutionDetailed Explaination: The journal entry is being seen because of the "Relationship changes" part of the Activity formatter.With "Relationship Changes" field checkbox is enabled via the Activity Formatter, the system will automatically populate any Audit Relationship Changes to the Activity feed.Basically, whenever a relation for the task is updated, it updates a "Relationship changes" message in the activity stream. You can test it by associating a related incident to that incident and then removing it.Text visible for "Relationship changes" fetches the values from sys_audit table. The sys_audit table records tracks activity in tables that flagged for auditing.This activity includes journal field entries and history sets.The Audit Relationship Change (sys_audit_relation) table maintains changes in the relationships between records in the sys_audit table and the source tables audit records originate from, and also tracks when a record may have been deleted. Unfortunately, the logic which displays this message is internal to the product and it is not possible to modify the message displayed.Please review "Activity Formatter" for more information. Method 1: This will be applicable to all records in the table. If you'd like to stop this message from displaying you may always: Remove the "Relationship Changes" field from the activity Formatter. You can do that by: Open any incident recordClick on the filter icon (funnel icon) next to the Activity Stream.You will see a list of fields added to the Activity streamClick on "Configure available fields" link at the bottomMove "Relationship Changes" entry from Selected to AvailableThe entry in the Activity stream is removed. OR Remove "Relations" from "glide.ui.incident_activity.fields" property value which controls the list of fields (comma-separated) that appear in the activity formatter for Incident. Method 2: This will be applicable to specific records in the table where you want to remove the relation so that the message should not appear. If you'd like to stop this message from displaying you may always: Remove the "Relationship Changes" field from the activity Formatter. You can do that by: Go To Audit Relationship Change (sys_audit_relation) table.Enter the sys_id of the task_sla in document id field.Removed the relation which is filter and the relationship change messages will disappear.