The "Risks Assessed" and "Inherent Risk by Likelihood & Impact" Widgets are displaying different values in the "Project Risk Overview" DashboardIssue The "Risks Assessed" Widget and "Inherent Risk by Likelihood & Impact" Widget are displaying a different number of Risks when you view them in the "Project Risk Overview" Dashboard.CauseThis is happening because the "Inherent Risk by Likelihood & Impact" Widget is querying a Different Table to the "Risks Assessed" Widget. "Inherent Risk by Likelihood & Impact" Widget: This is checking the Risk Assessment Instance Response [sn_risk_advanced_risk_assessment_instance_response] Table for the following Query: Assessment Instance.Risk assessment methodolody = <Risk_Assessment_Methodology_Here> ANDAssessment Instance.State = Monitor ANDAssessment Instance.Inherent risk(summary_inherent_risk) IS NOT EMPTY ANDAssessment Instance.Residual risk(summary_residual_risk) IS NOT EMPTY ANDAssessment Instance.Table = riskFactor = Likelihood OR Factor = Impact You will then need to Group By on the 'Assessment instance' Field to see the Total Number of Records which will be displayed in the Heat Map for this Widget. The difference in number of records here is coming because of the following: The "Inherent Risk by Likelihood & Impact" Widget is required both Inherent Risk and Residual Risk to be populated (But "Risks Assessed" is only needing one of them to be populated)Then the Factor Field must also be set for the "Inherent Risk by Likelihood & Impact" Widget (But not for "Risks Assessed")ResolutionThis is the expected behaviour of the System and will be depending on the Risk Assessment Data in your instance.