HTML source code button/functionality not visible in notificationDescriptionAn admin user wanted to change a link in a notification body.User is unable to change view the html source code because the symbol is missing and also it is not allowing to change to advanced and default view. Release or EnvironmentAllCauseSystem property glide.ui.html.editor.v4.enabled_plugins does not contain codemirror optionResolutionAdd codemirror to the property value glide.ui.html.editor.v4.enabled_plugins Here is the list of default values for the property:anchor table colorpicker textcolor link image media lists advlist fullscreen charmap directionality emoticons hr insertdatetime nonbreaking pagebreak print searchreplace visualblocks visualchars autolink align_listitems codemirror For more information about similar system properties, please refer to our documention page Configure the HTML toolbar