Indexed Source Filters are applied incorrectly between childtablesDescriptionAI Search Source "preview" functionality can display an incorrect number of records if the Indexed source has records on child tablesSteps to Reproduce Add an indexed source filter to a datasource that has child tables with records.Click on the 'preview' messageObserve that a filter appears between child table OR conditions. Example of an incorrectly generated condition:Class | is | [Knowledge] ANDWorkflow | is not one of | Outdated, Retired ANDClass | is | [Child table 1] ORClass | is | [Child table 2] ORetc...Which should be: Class | is | [Knowledge] ORClass | is | [Child table 1] ORClass | is | [Child table 2] ANDWorkflow | is not one of | PublishedWorkaroundThis PRB does not affect indexing or searching, only the preview functionality. Related Problem: PRB1521222