Attachments for potential deletionSummaryOne of the largest tables on an instance can be the sys_attachment_doc table (referenced to sys_attachment) and this is understandable as it stores the attachments saved on the instance. The attachment file name with some details are saved in sys_attachment, whilst the actual file itself is broken into chunks and saved in sys_attachment_doc table. To view the attachments saved on the instance, go to the 'Filter Navigator'type in sys_attachment.listPersonalise the list by adding in the size bytes columnSort the size column in descending order The size bytes column is clearly in 'bytes' so a 309MB file would be 309,543,354 bytes Now you can do some analysis looking for any patterns, for example, what are the largest attachments (file name) and how large are they? should they (is there a valid reason) be saved on the instance?what content types are there? (are we saving large video files? do certain file types need to be restricted or does the max attachment size need to be reduced?)if large files are saved, could users compress the file/s first before uploading?Are users uploading lots of duplicates or static files that dont change? If you find that users are uploading very large attachments, you can reduce the maximum file size allowed by modifying this property com.glide.attachment.max_size which OOB is 1GB. Certain file types can also be restricted. As per this doc below, System Properties -> Security Enter a value in the Maximum file attachment size in megabytes property These properties will obviously help going forward, however, if there are some really large attachments that you don't need to be saved on the instance, these should be removed from the records to which they have been attached. How to find the record to which an attachment belongs to? The host record to which the attachment belongs too can be identified by looking at the 'table name' & 'table sysID' column eg go the table name and open record with sysID = 'table sysid'. Here are 2 further useful articles : You can also disable attachments on a particular table if needed. Please note that there are different properties for email attachments If you do delete a lot of attachments that account for many gigabytes of space, the table space on the database for sys_attachment_doc will not automatically be reclaimed, so for this step you would need to get in touch with Technical support.