Variable Set Not Deleted Despite Attempting to Delete Through Update SetsDescriptionIn some cases, may notice a duplicate variable set or simply want to remove a specific variable set through an update set. However, despite attempting to delete the variable set, it remains in the system and is not deleted.Release or EnvironmentParis Patch 9 Hot Fix 2CauseIt is common for Users to create an update set to track the creation of a variable set, only to delete it later. However, if the deletion was captured by a different update set (such as 'Default'), the user may create another update set to record the creation of the variable set again. This results in multiple instances of the "io_set_item" variable set being linked to the same catalog item.ResolutionIn the source instance go to io_set_item tableLook for the io_set_item referring to that catalog itemCheck the variable sets, most of the time it has multiple update sets and the Delete is captured on a different update set like 'Default'Moved the Delete io_set_item to a new update set and exportThen import that update set from the target instance