Unable to add change requests to a problem record due to security restrictionIssue Unable to add change requests to problem tickets due to security restriction pop-upReleaseQuebecCauseIn order to add a change request to a problem ticket there are two checks being made; relatedRecordGr.canWrite() && relatedRecordGr.getElement(parentColumn).canWrite() One to see if you can write to the problem ticket and the other to see if you are able to write to the parent column of the change request In this particular case all users were failing the 'relatedRecordGr.getElement(parentColumn).canWrite()' condition due to being unable to write to the parent field on change requests where it was read-only. There was a dictionary override on the parent field that was overriding the read-only dictionary selection to make the field read-only which is why adding changes to the problem record were failingResolutionDelete/modify the dictionary override for the change request parent field so that it is no longer making the field read-only. Related LinksThere is a possibility that an ACL could also cause a similar issue.