How to create Journey Accelerator Action Plans directly from a Lifecycle Event or other HR case How to create Journey Accelerator Action Plans directly from a Lifecycle Event or other HR case This KB article describes a workaround on how to generate Journey Accelerator (JA) Action plans as part of HR case creation. As part of the Rome release, this functionality will be delivered out-of-the-box via a new HR task type to support creating plans automatically. This KB article is for customers on Quebec who wish to generate a Journey Accelerator action plan directly from a Lifecycle Event, or other HR service. Required plugins or family releases Human Resources Scoped App: Lifecycle Events for Enterprise - Quebec Family ReleaseJourney Accelerator 2.0 or 3.0Download and install update sets from the servicenow store website. The required update sets need to be manually downloaded and installed. It is a separate step How to generate JA plans as part of HR case creation Create a new action in Flow Designer as the following: Action Properties Action name: JA Plan Creation ActionApplication: Journey AcceleratorAccessible From: All application scopesProtection: none Action Inputs: Label: employee, Name: employee, Type: Sys ID(GUID), Mandatory: yesLabel: manager, Name: manager, Type: Sys ID(GUID), Mandatory: yesLabel: plan type, Name: plan_type, Type: Sys ID(GUID), Mandatory: yesLabel: publish date, Name: publish_date, Type: Date, Mandatory: noLabel: short description, Name: short_description, Type: Translated Text, Mandatory: no Action Script Step: (function execute(inputs, outputs) { var jaPlanUtil = new sn_ja.ja_PlanUtils(); var planInputs = {}; planInputs['employee'] = inputs.employee; if (inputs.manager) planInputs['manager'] = inputs.manager; planInputs['plan_type'] = inputs.plan_type; if (inputs.publish_date) planInputs['start_on'] = inputs.publish_date; if (inputs.short_description) planInputs['short_description'] = inputs.short_description; try { var planCreationOutputs = jaPlanUtil.createPlanFromPlanConfig(planInputs, inputs.plan_type); outputs.plan_id = planCreationOutputs.planId; outputs.publish_date = planCreationOutputs.publishDate; } catch (ex) { outputs.plan_id = ""; outputs.publish_date = ""; } })(inputs, outputs); Action Outputs: Label: plan id, Name: plan_id, Type: String, Mandatory: yes, Value: plan_id in script stepLabel: publish date, Name: publish_date, Type: Date, Mandatory: no, Value: publish_date in script step Create a new subflow which will invoke the action defined in the previous step Subflow Properties Subflow Name: JA action plan creationApplication: Journey AcceleratorAccessible From: All application scopesProtection: none Subflow screenshots:Subflow Step 1: invoke JA Plan Creation ActionSubflow Step 2: assign subflow outputs Add a new activity with an activity type, flow, into an activity set in an existing or a new lifecycle event Suppose there is a lifecycle event, New Hire Onboarding, and there is an activity set, Pre-Hire.Create a new activity, JA plan creation activity, in Pre-HireDo the field mappings for following input parameters in the activity employeemanagerplan typepublish dateshort description Create a new HR service which uses the lifecycle event with the added new activity Create a new HR service or use any existing HR service with fulfillment type, Lifecycle Event, and the lifecycle event type defined above will be used Create a new HR case from the HR service defined in the previous step Create a new HR case using the HR service defined above Make the newly created HR case to be ready You are done. Please go to the JA plan page in the Employee Center, and you will see the newly created JA plan(s).