Copying KB URL links vs copying PermalinksIssue This article explains the difference between a KB article's URL and the Permalink. The permalink will always point to the last version of the article that the user has access to. (Users with view access will see the most recent published version. Users with contribute access will see the most recent version of the article, even if it is a draft.) This is in contrast to just copying the KB URL which only points to a particular version of the article, identified by its sys_id (will become out of date if the article is revised).ResolutionThe PermaLink (permanent link) is an OOB feature provided on knowledge articles (see: Knowledge feature configuration). When you simply copy the URL of a KB article, it will look something like: https:/<instance-name>/kb?id=kb_article_view&sys_kb_id=6b10bc411b087414f34d33bc1d4bcb5 where the article record will be addressed by a sys id and not by KB number. Now consider a scenario where you want to share the KB article. If article versioning is installed in your knowledge management framework, every time you modify an article, a new version will be created, which means a new record, which means a new sys_id. In this situation, you will have difficulty maintaining multiple sys_ids of the same article and need to change the link every time a new revised version of the same article is published. Using the PermaLink helps to address this. When you click on Copy Permalink you will get a link like https://<instance-name>/kb?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0823947 If you compare this URL with the previous one, you will see that the article is addressed via KB number. Even when you use article versioning, the KB number of every published version of the article remains the same. You don't have to maintain the articles via their sys_ids when sending out the links to users, the permalink will always direct them to the latest version of the article that they have access to. (Users with view access will see the most recent published version. Users with contribute access will see the most recent version of the article, even if it is a draft.)Related LinksKnowledge feature configuration