When trying to test the Update Set Source connection, it throws the error message "It is not possible to register the instance you are on as a remote instance and Invalid Insert"Issue When trying to test the Update Set Source connection, it throws the error message "It is not possible to register the instance you are on as a remote instance and Invalid Insert" ReleaseAllCauseIn the URL field, the current instance URL has been given as the remote instance URL. It doesn't make sense to set up an update source record for the same source instance. For e.g. creating update set in DEV instance, we generally deploy the update set to TEST, QA and then PROD but not to the same Source DEV instance. It doesn't make sense.ResolutionWhile creating Update Source record in the Source Instance, you need to give the correct URL of the target/remote instance under URL field. For e.g. you have created an update set in DEV instance and you would like to deploy the update set in TEST instance, then you need to create an update source record for remote/target instance i.e. for TEST instance and not for the same source DEV instance. The URL should refer to TEST instance (e.g. https://test.service-now.com/)Related LinksRefer the documentation Retrieve an Update Set and community article "It is not possible to register the instance you are on as a remote instance" for more details.