Service Portal: Changing categories does not update category items displayed (in custom widgets) after Rome upgradeIssue After upgrading to Rome, whenever a category is selected in the Service Portal, the list of catalog items displayed is not updated, despite the URL being updated to the sys_id of the catalog.ReleaseRomeCauseThis can be caused when the instance uses a custom 'SC Category Page' widget. In Rome, there were changes to the sc_category page to make it more accessibility-compliant. As a result, there were changes made to the out-of-the-box (OOB) SC Category Page widget to account for the changes. The custom widget that is being used did not receive these updates, resulting in the issue noticed.ResolutionTo resolve this, it is recommended to clone the out-of-the-box (OOB) SC Category Page widget and make any necessary customizations to the newly cloned widget. Alternatively, the the following function can also be added to the Client Controller of the existing custom widget: var unregisterCategorySelected = $rootScope.$on('$sp.service_catalog.category.selected', function(evt, arg) { $ = arg.sys_id; $ = arg.catalog_id; $ = []; $scope.showTopLoader = true; $ = 0; $scope.server.update().then(function(result) { loadPage(); $scope.showTopLoader = false; }); }); You will then need to add the following line to the $scope.$on("$destroy") method: unregisterCategorySelected(); Please note: There may be other pieces of functionality that does not work, as there are other changes that were made to the OOB SC Category Page widget other than what was mentioned above. Because of this, it is recommended to clone the updated SC Category Page widget and make any required changes to the update version.