"Disqualified from Service Channel" cancellation meaning.Summary"Disqualified from service channel" cancellation reason means just that. If an interaction changes in anyway such that it does not match the criteria specified in the AWA service channel, the work item will be cancelled with this reason. Note that "accepted" is a terminal state for a awa_work_item record. Once it goes into that state, it won't be cancelled. Work Item will only have its state changed to cancelled from a "queued" or "pending_accept" state.So for example, I can have a chat, whose awa_work_item is in a "queued" state (e.g. all the agents are busy), and the requester ends the chat explicitly. This will change the interaction state to "closed complete", which is an ineligible condition for the service channel. This will trigger the work item to be cancelled with the "disqualified from service channel" reason. Similarly, if the chat is abandoned and the interaction state set to "closed abandoned", that too is an ineligible condition, and the corresponding work item, assuming it's in the queued or pending accept state, will be cancelled with the "disqualified from service channel" reason."