Importing a property into another instance will initially return a NULL value, and can cause Orchestraion and other automations to fail Issue It has been observed that if you export the XML of a property in one instance, and then import that XML into another instance, any automation that calls that property will return NULL on the value, until you update the record of the property on the new instance. This can cause unforseen issues with any code that calls the property. Example code would be a background script calling:"name_of_property")); **replace name_of_property with a custom property. Test importing it in from another instance. Run the code. Notice it is null. Then update the record with a new value for the property and run it again. Then you will get the correct value instead of null. ReleaseAny and allCausenot necessarily an issue as this is not a good practice to import properties, but it is seen.ResolutionFollow best practices, manually recreate the property, or update it if you must import.