Using gr.chooseWindow() in the "Reference Choice" doesnt fetch the exact 'value' identified by the NLU model.Issue In a 'Reference Choice' component from the designer, when querying a table, to limit the result count using gr.chooseWindow() is not supported. var gr = new GlideAggregate('incident'); gr.addQuery('caller_id', ''); gr.chooseWindow(0, 5); gr.groupBy('assigned_to'); gr.orderBy('assigned_to'); gr.query(); return gr; Calling chooseWindow() would not optimize the query performance since we are retrieving all records when querying the database.When an utterance is matched and a relevant entity is triggered by the NLU, it will not show the list of results exactly matched by 'value' that's been identified.ReleaseAllCauseThe most possible root cause of the issue would be Calling chooseWindow() while querying the table.ResolutionIn order to retrieve the correct list of matches based on the 'value', avoid using chooseWindow() API while querying the table.