Edge Encryption Proxy logsSummary Edge Encryption Proxy logs are located at <Edge_Encryption_Proxy_Installation_Folder>/logs This folder contains the below logs: 1)edgeencryption.log This log contains most of the information with regards to the execution of edge encryption proxies. Any issues with the setup , starting up edge proxies , edge encryption keys , DB connectivity (if proxy is configured to used DB) , edge encryption rules/configuration , edge encryption clients etc are found in this log. 2)jetty.log Jetty is the application server that the Edge Encryption application runs on . This logs provides useful information about Jetty/Edge Encryption Proxy Server interactions . 3)wrapper.log Any errors/issues related to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that is configured with Edge Encryption Proxy Server ( for example Java heap space issues) are logged in wrapper_<date>.log Any issues with network in the edge proxy environment will be logged in edgenetwork.log . Please refer to KB contains information on how to set up this log and also on how to increase the debug logging for Edge Encryption proxy For issues related to Edge Proxy Upgrade refer to Edge Encryption Upgrade Logs