Customer360 ribbon can not retrieve 'string' values DescriptionCustomer 360 ribbon fails to retrieve 'string' values when selected from a table other than "sys_user", "customer_contact" or "csm_consumer". (i.e. sn_hr_core_profile).Steps to Reproduce 1. Go to the RibbonSettingChoiceScript script include / and add a new table choice. i.e. sn_hr_core_profile:return ["sys_user", "customer_contact", "csm_consumer", "sn_hr_core_profile"];2. Go to Workspace Experience > Forms > Ribbon Settings and click New:- Name: <anyname>- Ribbon component: Customer360- Table: <anytable> i.e. incident3. Save4. Fill the attributes as follows:- Primary User: <anyfield> i.e. Caller- Primary reference table: <thetablefromstep1> i.e. HR Profile- Primary fields: <string fields> i.e. Probation period, Social Security Number- Secondary reference table: <sameasfirst> i.e. HR Profile- Tertiary reference table: <sameasfirst> i.e. HR Profile 5. Save 6. Go to Agent workspace and display any <Incident> record with a populated <Caller> field The ribbon is displayed but the string fields are not included within the ribbon.Workaround This is expected behaviour due to the limitations on Customer 360 ribbon: > Customer 360 can only retrieve the values from 3 tables that is configured in OOB ("sys_user", "customer_contact", "csm_consumer"). It is not possible to add another table to this list. > Customer 360 only supports dot walking on the selected reference table. You will be able to display only fields from that reference table. For example the “Caller” field on incident has reference to the sys_user table, so if HR Profile is selected as the Primary reference table and Caller as the Primary user, the system can only retrieve the information of Caller from sys_user table, but not from HR Profile table. Related Problem: PRB1514624