"Confirmed/Allocated users" field is blank and not populated on a Confirmed/Allocated Resource PlanIssue 'Confirmed/Allocated users' field is not populated when a Resource Plan is Confirmed or Allocated. Steps To Reproduce: Create a Resource by ensuring that the following settings are made in the Resource Plan:'Confirmed/Allocated users' field is populated when the following conditions are set on the Resource Plan- The resource plan's 'Resource Type' field value is Group- 'Members Preference' field is 'Specific Members'- 'Group' field is populated with a Group name- 'Members List' field is populated with the name of at least one of the Group members- all other mandatory fields e.g dates, tasks are populated- 'Roll up from allocations' is set to falseThen Confirm or Allocate the resource plan.Check the "Confirmed/Allocated users" field on the Resource PlanExpected behaviour : "Confirmed/Allocated users" field should be populated with the users in the 'Members List' columnObserved behaviour : "Confirmed/Allocated users" field is emptyCauseCustomisation of the Script Include : 'ResourcePlan' caused the issueResolutionThe 'Confirmed/Allocated users' field is updated by the logic in the 'ResourcePlan' Script Include while confirming or allocating the plan. However, the Script Include has been customised on the instance. We observed that the instance has an older (Paris) version of code in 'ResourcePlan' Script Include, instead of the Quebec one. This appears to have been skipped in system upgrades due to customisation. After reverting the script include to Quebec version, the issue was resolved.