If the approval is rejected by the user, the stage moves to "Request Cancelled" and "Request Cancelled (In Progress)" is seen on list view of RITMDescriptionIf a service catalog flow moves to stage "Request Cancelled", it shows "Request Cancelled (In Progress)" on the list view of RITM.Steps to Reproduce On a demo instance, Log in a System AdministratorOrder the Catalog Item "Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge" - https://demonightlyquebec.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=sc_cat_item.do?sys_id=0c61f0c510247200964f77ffeec6c499Approval will be generated for the RITMReject the ApprovalNotice the List view of the RITMExpectation: : Stage column stills shows us Request Cancelled (Complete)Actual Behavior: Stage column stills shows us Request Cancelled (In Progress)WorkaroundApply attached business rule 'Mark Flow Stages Complete if cancelled'Related Problem: PRB1486846