Is is possible to Change List view on CSM Portal ?Issue Created one report on CSM Portal. Clicking on the report redirects to list view. Is is possible to Change List view on this Portal?ResolutionThe retrieval of list columns works as below order. 1. From URL : if we pass view in the URL, it fetches the columns configured in the view - /csm/?id=list&table=sn_customerservice_case&view=csm_portal 2. System Property : If URL does not exist the view, it looks for "glide.sp.default_list_view" in sys_properties. Whatever view we want, we can configure here. 3. Default : If above two options failed, it's takes "mobile" view as default view. This view has number, task type, short description and priority columns. Solution : Adding system property ("glide.sp.default_list_view") with value "csm_portal" will fix the issue.