Transferring chat to another available agent is possible with Agent Chat even though service channel is not sameIssue When the Agent clicks on Transfer to Agent quick action in interaction, the list shows all available agents of all service channels rather than showing only the available agents in the same service channel that the interaction was raised. STEPS TO REPRODUCE: Prerequisites plugins:a. com.glide.awab. com.glide.interaction.awa 1. Create an additional chat type Service channel with the same conditions as the OOB chat service channel has.2. Create a new queue and assignment eligibility for another assignment group.3. With this setup there will be 2 service channels (both chat types) that have 2 different queues for 2 different assignment groups.4. Make sure that both assignment groups have different agents. Agent A and Agent B5. Also, add both service channels in the 'Available' record in the presence state table.6. Login in the instance with these different agents (A and B) and mark yourself available in Agent workspace in 2 different browsers.7. As an end-user initiate chat in 3rd browser and accept that chat by one Agent A, then transfer this chat to another Agent B who is already available in AW in the second browser.8. As an Agent B, accept this transferred chat. And here the issue is, as per understanding from product documentation:It's only possible to route a chat to another agent in the same service channel. however, in the use case, Agent A and Agent B belong to different service channels. Product documentation: ResolutionThis is Working as expected with current design as platform do not support two service channels with same exact routing conditions now. Related Problem:PRB1502392