"Approve" button not displayed after upgrade to Quebec for non-admin role userDescriptionThe "Approve" button is not displayed after upgrade to Quebec for approval assigned to non-admin user. Steps to Reproduce 1. Login a Quebec instance.2. Create a user with below roles:sn_customerservice_manageritilitil_adminsn_customerservice_agentsn_publications.adminpa_viewersurvey_admincatalog_admintemplate_editor_groupknowledge_managerreport_adminuser_admin3. Generate an approval record for this user.4. As the created user, open the sysapproval_approver record, and notice the 'Reject' button can be seen, but not the 'Approve' button.WorkaroundThis problem is under review. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form. Workaround would be to make a new UI action with the same condition and script as the Approve UI Action, and set the OOB one as Active=False ( /sys_ui_action.do?sys_id=82183da3c3511200f7d1ca3adfba8f21).Related Problem: PRB1504701