Record Producer for Story (rm_story) that populates Product and Epics via Record Producer Script does not properly set the Epic on the generated recordIssue Record Producer for Story (rm_story) that populates Product and Epics via Record Producer Script does not properly set the Epic on the generated recordResolutionThis was happening because of the Business Rule "Clear epic when product changes" that runs on the rm_story table. Despite the Business Rule having the Filter Condition of: Epic.Product | is different - From | Product ... It was still running. This is because the Record Producer Script is setting the Product field on the Story as "40583e3bdba9a014a10613694b9fj391 " with extra trailing white space. When you compare that value to the one pulled in by Epic.Product, the system will determine that they are different. "40583e3bdba9a014a10613694b9fj391" vs "40583e3bdba9a014a10613694b9fj391 " = not the same Once the whitespace is removed, everything works fine.