Granting privileges for data streams from Elasticsearch SummaryIssue: You're getting a 403 Forbidden error when trying to connect to the ElasticSearch database. ("Could not query the Index-exists API. Error: 403 Forbidden) InstructionsSteps: 1. Check and identify the exact privileges needed from ELK (Elasticsearch) for Health Log Analytics access. 2. Use the permissions list requirements below to grant permissions for streaming logs to HLA using the Elasticsearch data input. Cluster permissions: cluster:monitor/*indices:data/read/scrollindices:data/read/scroll/clear Index permissions: indices:data/read*indices:admin/existsindices:admin/aliases*indices:admin/getindices:monitor/statsindices:admin/mappings/fields/get*indices:admin/mappings/get 3. Configure the Elasticsearch data input 4. If you see an error message during the configuration, contact ServiceNow support.