Copy Button appears only on some REQ FormsSummary"Copy" UI Action is not present on some REQs. The COPY UI Action is displayed based on particular conditions. There are 2 Copy UI Actions that will be displayed based on their respective conditions :https://<Instance_Name> are 3 Scenarios :First:When all the RITM in the REQ are having a Catalog Item that is in "Active" state.we see the following UI Action displayed: https://<Instance_Name> all the RITM in the REQ are having a Catalog Item that is in "Inactive" state, In this Scenario "Copy" UI Action will not be displayed.Third:When at least one of the RITM in the REQ is having a Catalog Item that is in "Active" state, In this Scenario "Copy" UI Action will appear.Here is the UI Action which Displays: https://<Instance_Name>