Business rule "Propagate Probe Paramters" can cause query of entire ECC queueDescription"Propagate Probe Paramters" BR is running a query on EC queue using the GlideRecord.get(sysId) call, which is coming from the response_to field on ECC queue In some cases, the value of response_to attribute is incorrect, causing the query to fallback to other fields [like name & topic] which is causing a really slow queries on a huge ECC queue tableSteps to Reproduce Run a discovery where the response_to of an output record doesn't contain a sys_id of an ECC queue record E.g. A discovery that triggers "Apache - Get Configuration" probe.WorkaroundOn "Propagate Probe Paramters" change:if (!eccQueueGr.get(responseSysID)) return;to:try { if (!eccQueueGr.get('sys_id', responseSysID)) return;} catch (e) { return;}In case of "Apache - Get Configuration" probe, go to its sensor and change:probe.create(this.getAgent(), this.getEccQueueId().sys_id);to:probe.create(this.getAgent(), this.getEccQueueId());Related Problem: PRB1492956