Mobile Offline UI Policy doesn't work on the previous Details Screen after a Function is submittedDescriptionIssue Description:Mobile Offline UI Policy doesn't work on the previous Details Screen after a Function is submitted.Steps to Reproduce 1. Create a List Applet to show incidents.Details Screen contains State, Impact and Urgency.2. Create a Function to update State, Impact and Urgency.3. Add the Function to the Top Menu Function of the Details Screen.4. Set Offline available for the Applet and the Function.5. Create a Mobile UI Policy to show the Impact and Urgency if State is "In Progress" and enable "Reverse if false".6. Go to Agent Mobile App.7. Select an "In Progress" incident record.The Impact and Urgency on the Details Screen are visible.8. Click on the "Update Incident" incident.The Impact and Urgency on the Function Screen are visible.9. Set the state to "On Hold".The Impact and Urgency on the Function Screen are hidden.10. Submit the Function.The Impact and Urgency on the Details Screen are hidden.11. The visibility of Impact and Urgency is working as expected due to the Mobile UI Policy.12. Enable Offline mode on Agent Mobile App.13. Repeat steps 7~10.Expected behaviorThe Impact and Urgency on the Details Screen should be hidden after the Function is submitted at step 10.Actual behaviorThe Impact and Urgency on the Details Screen are still visible although the State on the Details Screen has been changed to "On Hold".WorkaroundThis issue is under review. To receive notifications when more information is available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of the article. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In field to determine whether any versions have a permanent fix.Related Problem: PRB1510759