'sudo' appended on commands run by pattern causing command execution failureIssue There are many different types of patterns which runs various commands. Against Linux/Unix host, some commands shouldn't have 'sudo' appended which would cause command failure. For example, 'export' command is an internal shell command and shouldn't be executed with sudo, ie 'sudo export blah' Sample command executed by the pattern step with sudo appended: 07/09/21 20:50:22 (012) Worker-Interactive:HorizontalDiscoveryProbe-1d5acef81bd5f8502bd0c9506e4bcb9c DEBUG: Command being executed: PATH="$PATH:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/sbin";export PATH; sudo -p "___SNC_PWD_PROMPT___0e5a023038113010399b7badbe491625" export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sap/HRP/SYS/exe/run;export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/sap/HRP/SYS/exe/run;export SAPSYSTEMNAME=HRP; disp+work -V Target host responded with:....... sudo: export: command not foundCause- User added 'must_sudo' probe parameter to ''Horizontal Pattern' probe:https://<instance_name>.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=discovery_probes.do?sys_id=4f64c6389f230200fe2ab0aec32e7068 - This probe parameter should be used with care when considering adding it to ''Horizontal Pattern' probe. Patterns can run any commands based on implementation and there are commands that will fail with 'sudo' appended.Resolution- Do not add 'must_sudo' probe prameter to ''Horizontal Pattern' probe:https://<instance_name>.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=discovery_probes.do?sys_id=4f64c6389f230200fe2ab0aec32e7068 - This parameter affects all pattern execution and force append 'sudo' in front of all commands executing on Unix/Linux hosts.