Reduce the volume of / list_history transactions triggered when a user has a form containing and activity formatter loadedOverview Many forms within the ServiceNow platform contain an activity formatter. For best user experience the platform attempts to keep the contents activity formatter up to date in near real time (such that users with the activity formatter loaded see new additions to the activity stream from other users without needing to reload the corresponding form). Updating the contents of the activity formatter is performed via two means: On demand via the Asynchronous Message Bus (AMB) Any users which a particular activity formatter loaded subscribe to a corresponding AMB channelIf any user makes an update to the activity stream a message is published on the AMB channel which is then delivered to the browser of all users subscribed to that channelIn response to the AMB message the browser triggers an / list_history transaction to get the latest contents of the activity stream which is then rendered on screen Via a static poll (which runs every 120 seconds by default) Any browser in which an activity formatter is loaded will trigger an / list_history transaction every 120 secondsIf this transaction detects changes to the contents of the activity stream this will be rendered on screen Note that / list_history operations which take place every 120s are historic behaviour which was required before the ServiceNow platform contained AMB. In normal circumstances (i.e. when AMB is operating as expected) these repeated transactions are unnecessary and simply add load to the instance. As of the Orlando patch 9 / Paris patch 4 / Quebec releases of the ServiceNow platform it is possible to change the frequency of static poll / list_history transactions. In large / busy instances modifying the instance such that these / list_history transactions are triggered every 600 seconds (for example) rather than the default of every 120 seconds can significantly reduce the impact of / transactions and contention on application node default semaphore pools. Note that, as mentioned above, as long as AMB is functioning as expected, changing the frequency of these static polls has no effect on end user experience (as activity stream updates in near real time will still take place in response to corresponding AMB messages). To modify the frequency of static poll / list_history operations the following system property should be created: Name: glide.activity.stream_poll_intervalType: IntegerValue: Interval in seconds (default of 120 - recommend that this should be set to 600 or higher)Ignore Cache: Unchecked Changes to the above system property take effect as soon as any user who has a form with an activity formatter loaded reloads that form. Confirming how often / list_history operations are being triggered by a browser Navigate to any form containing an activity formatter (i.e. the default view of an incident form)Open browser developer tools and go to the 'Network' tabNotice that, by default, / list_history operations are triggered every 2 minutes even when the browser is idle / there is no change to the activity streamNote that if the above system property is modified and the form is reloaded developer tools should show that / list_history operations are triggered with reduced frequency (i.e. once per 10 minutes if the property is set to 600) To confirm that this does not impact end user experience open a second browser in incognito mode and load the same record (such that it is displayed in both browser windows) - in one window add a new entry to the activity stream - note that an / list_history operation is triggered immediately / on demand by the other browser window (via receipt of a corresponding AMB message) and the activity stream is updated immediately to show new content (i.e. new content is displayed quickly despite the static poll frequency being reduced)