FD Trigger not working for trigger condition "status" "changes" where "status" is field is of type choice on a table extending cmnlocationDescriptionFD Trigger not working for trigger condition "status" "changes" where "status" is field is of type choice on a table extending cmn_location table. This is because starting in Paris, flow designer honors setWorkflow(false)Steps to Reproduce 1. import attached update set2. create a "def0224553_table" record and then change the "status" field to different values.3. observer that the flow "DEF0224553_flow" is not triggered. It should have been triggered.WorkaroundFlow Designer now honors setWorkflow(false) in Paris. That is the situation in this defect. If you would like to to trigger a flow outside of the GlideRecord update call the flow via flow API. As a temporary workaround, trigger_engine.ignore.set_workflow to true and that would also trigger the flowRelated Problem: PRB1509494