Slowness in loading an interaction record in agent workspace and from the native UI.Issue This article describes the Performance issue when loading an interaction record from the agent workspace or from the native UI . ReleaseAllCauseOn load of the interaction record, There will be an SQL query that fetches the related records from the related list. If a custom query on the sys_relationship is written which may have multiple joins and ORs making the query take long, It could affect the performance as multiple SQL queries are fetching the data to the related list.ResolutionThe most possible solution would be to Optimize the custom query on the sys_relationship record for a better search or onLoad performance. Go to sys_relationship table.Search for the related lists on the particular table for which there is a performance issue.Open the relationship record and modify the script written or revert it to the OOB if it's been customized. Related LinksIf the record counts on the table are high, consider archiving the old records which are not in use to improve the performance on the form load of the interaction record.Below are the documents for reference.